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Berenice Essay 1

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 10 months ago


Internet chatting can be dangerous. One reason is you don’t really know who you are really talking to. Because you can't be sure of who you are talking to, you might find yourself in a dangerous position. For example, you can meet crazy, phsychotic people. You can set up a meeting with someone, and they can turn out to be dangerous people like rapist or something that can harm you. After meeting them, it can be too late. This can lead into falling into something really bad. You can end up meeting people with bad intentions. You can even end up getting killed because of accepting to meet up with someone you don’t know. So remember internet chatting can be really hazardous to your life.

Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 11:54 am on Dec 5, 2006

Good job. You have misspellings that've I've crossed out and some other weak areas in the paper that I've bolded. Using an example might make this better. Keep working on it.

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