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ENGLISH 071 - Fundamentals of Writing

ENG071 Syllabus


Thursday, November 9th:

We will be working on practice exercises online at ExerciseCentral.

*Real Writings Exercises

After you register and log-in, click on Exercise Central to begin your work.

You will complete a total of 15 exercises in ANY 5 areas. You get to choose. So if you are weak in commas, choose Run-on sentences or Commas and do 3 exercises.



Tuesday, November 14th:

We will be working on practice exercises online at ExerciseCentral.

*Real Writings Exercises

Practice Apostrophes and Capitalization (3 exercises each for a total of 6)


ENG071 Student Pages








David R


ENGLISH 071 - Fundamentals of Writing

ENG071 Syllabus


TODAY: Thursday, December 7th:

We will not have class today because I am still not feeling well. I would like for the class to work on their final essay (#5) and work on making corrections to the four essays posted on the wiki. You will need to email this essay to me by midnight tomorrow Friday. If you have any questions, please email or call me: 602-330-4015.


I will email you all later to tell you more about the final exam. Our final is:

1:00 - 2:50 p.m. on Tuesday, December 12

You will need to read and study your notes. Most of what I covered in class on Tuesday is on the final exam.


Tuesday, November 21st:

I want for you to put your first two paragraph essays on your page. The links are already there, so just click on them to create the page. Then cut and paste them into the box. Also, I want for you to do FIVE more exercises on Real Writings Exercises. After you log-in, click on Exercise Central to begin your work.

You will complete a total of 5 exercises in ANY area.


Thursday, November 16th:

We will review our diagnostic tests today to determine our areas of weakness. Then we will do one exercise in area under 70% mastery. So look at your diagnostic test results and make a list of what areas you scored below 70%. Then do one exercise in each of those areas.


We will edit our portfolio pages today. We are going to add a short paragraph bio, and learn how to edit wiki pages. The password to edit pages is smc2005


Tuesday, November 14th:

We will be working on practice exercises online at ExerciseCentral.

*Real Writings Exercises

Practice Apostrophes and Capitalization (3 exercises each for a total of 6)


Thursday, November 9th:

We will be working on practice exercises online at ExerciseCentral.

*Real Writings Exercises

After you register and log-in, click on Exercise Central to begin your work.

You will complete a total of 15 exercises in ANY 5 areas. You get to choose. So if you are weak in commas, choose Run-on sentences or Commas and do 3 exercises.




Sample Student Page: Gloria

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